duminică, 18 aprilie 2010

Boredom !

"Boredom: the desire for desires."
(Leo Tolstoy)
"All kinds are good except the kind that bores you."

Looking at my bedroom wall
Counting the flowers in the pattern
Watching endless people drifting past my window
Seeing the trees outside dance in a constant repeating wave
Hearing the tick of the clock sound like thunder
I wait, and wait!

Time is passing oh so slowly
What do I do to make it quicken
Nothing is important so nothing gets done
Why bother when it only has to be done again tomorrow
I move my fingers in rhythm to the clock
I wait, and wait!


3 comentarii:

carmen spunea...

Timpul nu trece niciodata in ritmul potrivit. Uneori se scurge prea greu si numara lent clipe de plictiseala sau durere, alteori alearga si ia cu el prea repede bucuriile si fericirea. N-ar fi minunat daca ar fi invers?

Anonim spunea...

And I wait, and wait and wait.... and wait... ti'll I'll get unbored :))

This one is good baby :>


Anonim spunea...

Bored....u hardly get out of that status...
Cum a zis si Catalin.... just wait and wait till i'll get unbored :))

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